The Newfoundland Club Inc, New Zealand




Midlanz Branch covers the area of the Southern Auckland Boundary (around Mercer), to Turangi and across to Napier.

They accomodate their members by holding events in most locations.

Midlanz is an active branch, they are a keen carting bunch and can be found at school galas and Xmas parades. They also hold several fun days with a swim at the beach followed by a social BBQ, or a walk and a social gathering at the end.

Midlanz also hold ribbon parades, carting tests and water trials.
Midlands Photo Gallery


Auckland Branch covers the area from around Mercer to the top of the North Island.

As the Auckland Branch was unable to form a committee at its last AGM, events in the Auckland area are run by the Club and in conjunction with the Midlanz Branch. Anyone interested in helping to form a committee or to run events in Auckland please contact Debbie Longville or others on the the Club committee.

What to do about Auckland Branch?


Wellington Branch covers the lower part of the North Island starting from the Midlanz Southern Boundary (Turangi).

As the Wellington Branch was unable to form a committee at its last AGM, the branch is currently in recess. Anyone interested in helping to form a committee or to run events in Wellington please contact a member of the Club committee.

Any relevant events and information will be listed on the branch Facebook page: